Sunday, July 27, 2008

Now That Hits the Spot

This morning, again, my angelic bride woke me up with some Technivorm & Swissgold brewed Colombia Antioquia - Jardin Cerulean Warbler that was roasted last Sunday. It is a great way to wake up, and although I thoroughly enjoy this coffee, it just wasn't hitting the spot.

After church, I opened to coffee cabinet to see if there might be some scraps left. A-Ha! Just enough Ethiopia Organic - "Menno's Misty Valley" to brew another pot of coffee, It was roasted to Full City (no 2nd crack) two weeks ago, but a sniff of the jar indicated it was still good; perhaps this will suffice.

The ground and brewed coffee emitted an intense blueberry aroma. The aromatics of the cup rouse excitement and anticipation; orange and blueberry dominate, but there is the slightest tease of lemon and pepper to evoke curiosity. In the cup, at its hottest, the orange and blueberry are ensconced in a nicely-bodied chocolate with a subtle note of black pepper in the finish. As the cup cools, in balance with the orange and blueberry, the chocolate and pepper intensify and is reminiscent of the chocolate that I have had on ice cream in Mexican restaurants. A little cooler and a sweet lemon comes to life in just the right balance that whole experience seems to evoke an emotional response.

Spot hit.

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